Everyone is welcome at the library. Library patrons are required to follow all Federal, State, and local laws, directives and mandates. Library patrons, regardless of age, are required to comply with the Central Skagit Library District Patron Code of Conduct. In order to provide a pleasant environment, the following behaviors are prohibited:

● Unruly behavior and/or disruption of library services

● Offensive language

● Unhygienic or offensive physical conditions

● Destroying or damaging library property

● Misuse of library bathrooms or other areas

● Hurting, harassing or threatening others (including, but not limited to, inappropriate personal comments, sexual advances, invasion of personal space, bullying, or physical and/or verbal harassment)

● Excessive public displays of affection

● Sexual misconduct

● Soliciting

● Illegal activities

● Misuse of library equipment, computers or tablet computers

Violation of these rules may result in the loss of library privileges. Library staff will take appropriate action when disruptions occur. Violators will also be reported to library management. The first violation will result in a warning. The second violation may result in the patron being asked to leave the premises for the remainder of the day. Further violations will be reported to the Central Skagit Library Board of Trustees and may result in loss of library privileges.

Violations of an extreme manner will be immediately reported to the police. If police must be called to handle a disruption or violation, those involved shall not return to the library until meeting with the Central Skagit Library Board of Trustees at the next designated meeting. The Board reserves the right to deny reinstatement of privileges at that time.

A person excluded from the use of the library building, property, and/or services may request, in writing, that the Library Board of Trustees reconsider such a decision and present evidence to the Board that s/he no longer poses a threat as described above.

RCW 27.12.290, states, “Violators may be excluded. A board of library trustees may exclude from the use of the library under its charge any person who willfully and persistently violates any rule or regulation prescribed for the use of the library or its facilities or any person whose physical condition is deemed dangerous or offensive to other library users.”